Foundations often seek therapies with the potential to transform human health. Our approach has that potential.
Transformative innovations
Reversing a range of diseases seems possible by targeting degraded elastin fibre. The potential is to reverse vascular and tissue damage, including in the brain where treatment is problematic.
The approach could lead to an array of elastin-focused therapies. See Therapeutic Targets.
It has potential to fulfill the societal and medical ambitions of many Foundations;
Fulfill unmet needs by reversing diseases, inhibiting progression, and being a stop-gap for transplant patients.
Improve efficacy of existing drugs.
Improve affordability and patient compliance due to ease of administration.
Reduce risks of drug resistance.
Meaningful impact on human health by measurably improving quality of life.
Looking in places others didn't
‘While strategies for tissue regeneration are often based upon the replacement of lost cells, such efforts often ignore the significant contribution of extracellular matrix (ECM) components to tissue structure and function.’
The role of the ECM in health & disease is overshadowed by the traditional emphasis on cellular biology and genetics. This breakthrough will focus attention on the ECM by connecting researchers, diagnostic technologists and other innovators who work with the ECM to find new solutions to big challenges.
… Developed by innovation leaders.
Much of the background work on this invention was was supervised by the PI whose leadership in the elastin field was celebrated by the Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins.